Little rose
Haihhhhhzzzz, whats going on? painful as a bee sting. Why? The small garden once full of happiness and joy, has been torn down. Why? That's where the little rose is planted, now looking pale and losing its color. As the other rose sat beside thinking, why has all these gotta happen? . I believe this runs in both of the rose's minds. Why tear down the small garden. It was full of joy.
This time the other rose felt apart from the little rose. Leaving it to wander somewhere not known. Sigh, "IT'S PAIN", the other rose cries out, but only to itself not to the little rose, for the little rose was already pale and losing its color. "Help! Help!", cries the other rose. "I just want to be with the little rose and see it blooming beautifully each morning, no stress but peace"... Sigh, only time will tell, only time will tell.
Take care little rose.
Roses don't have brains like humans do, is this like what's in the sound machine, where you know how plants feel?? Haha
ya'know what...
i do wish that i'll have a garden on top of the apartment some day. (if you've watched JustLikeHeaven) hehehe.
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