Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Drips some time symbolizes pain and hurt. All this while we think we had enough, the plants think that the air suppy is enough, the children think that the parent provide all. However, sometimes things mess up. Air supply is dirty and parent involved in car crash leaving hurts and sorrow. Sometimes it is out of expectation that things work out oppositely and leave drips.

Becareful with words. Power of life in the power of the tongue. Therefore guard it well. Let it not reveal uncertainty or cause sorrow. Rather, let it flow allowing love and relationship and goodness and all those that makes the mouth go wide and cheeks revealing its cheer.

Position yourself in the other shoe that's what I fail to do. Shouldn't it be this way if I just hold back. I DON'T KNOW!!! Think THINK!!! what is it???

Don't I get it? What shall I do? what is it ??? Tell me... Sometimes its useless, feels so...


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